Technical Construction Company of Byron Athens - HAVOS NIKOLAOS & SON OE - Construction Companies of Byron Athens - Renovations of Byron Residences Athens - Byron Demolitions Athens - Byron Buildings Athens - Byron Area Cleaning Athens

Technical Construction Company of Byron Athens - HAVOS NIKOLAOS & SON OE - Construction Companies of Byron Athens - Renovations of Byron Residences Athens - Byron Demolitions Athens - Byron Buildings Athens - Byron Area Cleaning Athens

41164 Visitors:
Address: Korai 21-23
Area: Virona
Telephone: 2107655579
Mobile: 6944743251
P.C.: 16232
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Responsible: -
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HAVOS NIKOLAOS & SON OE Technical Construction Company of Byron Athens The Technical Construction Company NIKOLAOS HAVOS AND SON OE was started in 1983 by Nikolaos Havos and was established with absolute success in the field of Construction. Our Company is active in the areas of Kaisariani, Kareas, Zografou, Pagrati and Byron where it has its headquarters. In 2002, Dimitrios Havos (Son) joined the company, taking over the reins of the company, continuing the tradition of good and careful...
41164 Visitors:

Korai 21-23, Virona

41164 Visitors:

Technical Construction Company of Byron Athens

The Technical Construction Company NIKOLAOS HAVOS AND SON OE was started in 1983 by Nikolaos Havos and was established with absolute success in the field of Construction. Our Company is active in the areas of Kaisariani, Kareas, Zografou, Pagrati and Byron where it has its headquarters. In 2002, Dimitrios Havos (Son) joined the company, taking over the reins of the company, continuing the tradition of good and careful construction of luxury apartments.

In the last 5 years, our company has been active in the field of renovations throughout Attica, having won the love, respect, appreciation and support of the people who choose us to renovate their home, their holiday home and more. We are also active in cleaning basements, ie the collection of rubble and useless objects.

Our company has experienced and specialized staff in all areas and at very good prices. We are active throughout the basin and with a phone call we come to your place without any charge we record the work you want to do and in a short time you have the offer which you always need at very good prices.

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Technical Construction Company of Byron Athens - HAVOS NIKOLAOS & SON OE - Construction Companies of Byron Athens - Renovations of Byron Residences Athens Home renovations
Technical Construction Company of Byron Athens - HAVOS NIKOLAOS & SON OE - Construction Companies of Byron Athens - Renovations of Byron Residences Athens Demolitions
Technical Construction Company of Byron Athens - HAVOS NIKOLAOS & SON OE - Construction Companies of Byron Athens - Renovations of Byron Residences Athens Servings
Technical Construction Company of Byron Athens - HAVOS NIKOLAOS & SON OE - Construction Companies of Byron Athens - Renovations of Byron Residences Athens Plumbing
Technical Construction Company of Byron Athens - HAVOS NIKOLAOS & SON OE - Construction Companies of Byron Athens - Renovations of Byron Residences Athens Buildings
Technical Construction Company of Byron Athens - HAVOS NIKOLAOS & SON OE - Construction Companies of Byron Athens - Renovations of Byron Residences Athens Electrical
Technical Construction Company of Byron Athens - HAVOS NIKOLAOS & SON OE - Construction Companies of Byron Athens - Renovations of Byron Residences Athens Roof insulations
Technical Construction Company of Byron Athens - HAVOS NIKOLAOS & SON OE - Construction Companies of Byron Athens - Renovations of Byron Residences Athens Interior doors
Technical Construction Company of Byron Athens - HAVOS NIKOLAOS & SON OE - Construction Companies of Byron Athens - Renovations of Byron Residences Athens Kitchens - Closets
Technical Construction Company of Byron Athens - HAVOS NIKOLAOS & SON OE - Construction Companies of Byron Athens - Renovations of Byron Residences Athens Oil paints
Technical Construction Company of Byron Athens - HAVOS NIKOLAOS & SON OE - Construction Companies of Byron Athens - Renovations of Byron Residences Athens Space Cleaning
Technical Construction Company of Byron Athens - HAVOS NIKOLAOS & SON OE - Construction Companies of Byron Athens - Renovations of Byron Residences Athens Aluminum
Technical Construction Company of Byron Athens - HAVOS NIKOLAOS & SON OE - Construction Companies of Byron Athens - Renovations of Byron Residences Athens Energy Performance Certificates
Technical Construction Company of Byron Athens - HAVOS NIKOLAOS & SON OE - Construction Companies of Byron Athens - Renovations of Byron Residences Athens Alarms
Technical Construction Company of Byron Athens - HAVOS NIKOLAOS & SON OE - Construction Companies of Byron Athens - Renovations of Byron Residences Athens Cadet Rentals
Technical Construction Company of Byron Athens - HAVOS NIKOLAOS & SON OE - Construction Companies of Byron Athens - Renovations of Byron Residences Athens Container
Technical Construction Company of Byron Athens - HAVOS NIKOLAOS & SON OE - Construction Companies of Byron Athens - Renovations of Byron Residences Athens Floor repair and maintenance
41164 Visitors:

Korai 21-23

Telephone: 2107655579
Mobile: 6944743251

Working Hours
